PPT file of Dr. Diane H. Sonnenwald's public talk on 2008.4.28 is provided !!
Topic 2:Scientific collaboratories: Needs and challenges.
Click [Project] The Research on Learning Repositories for Research Methods: Establishment and Evaluation to download

May 19, 2008

[Project] The Research on Learning Repositories for Research Methods: Establishment and Evaluation

Porject No.:97R0501-07

Project Introduction

This project is subdivided from The Program of Digital Libraries and Human- Computer Interaction: Trend and Application, funding by Ministry of Education. This three-year project includes establishment of a learning repository at the first year, evaluation, improvement, maintenance of it at the second year, and spread of the experience at the third year.

The goal at the first year is to complete a learning repository for teaching and learning on research methods courses. Because many different disciplines, such as technology, education, communication and so on, will be involved in the process, collaboration consequently is a vital concept in this project. Therefore, we invite several professionals to join this project and to share their experience about digital learning.

In 2008, Dr. Diane H. Sonnenwald, who is the Director of Center for Collaborative Innovation and a Professor of The Swedish School of Information & Library Science Göteborg University & University College of Borås in Sweden, and also an Affiliate Professor of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in USA, will be our consultant to give assistance to this project. We hereby acknowledge her support.

Public Talk:
1.Topic:Collaboration among Library and Information Science Professionals Across Distances: Needs and Challenges

Lecturer:Dr. Diane H. Sonnenwald
Place:Letcture Theathre of College of Liberal Arts, NTU
Abstract:Increasingly, library science professionals, researchers and educators face complex problems that might best be solved through collaboration with others across institutions and geographical distances. Collaboratories have emerged as an effective approach to promoting collaboration across geographic distances. To date, collaboratory research and development has primarily focused on supporting natural science research and engineering. There is a need to expand the focus of collaboratory research to include additional disciplines and professions to avoid the creation of a disciplinary digital divide. For this talk, there are two researches demostrated. A study of exploring the potential of video technologies for collaboration in emergency medical care and another study of exploring the needs and challenges with respect to the creation and adoption of a collaboratory for library science professionals are included.

Download the powerpoint file of this talk!
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2.Scientific collaboratories: Needs and challenges

Lecturer:Dr. Diane H. Sonnenwald
Place:Multimedia room, NTU_LIS (1F)
Abstract:Scientific collaboration continues to increase in frequency and importance. It has the potential to solve complex scientific problems and promote various political, economic and social agendas, such as democracy, sustainable development, and cultural understanding and integration. Increasingly, public and private research funding agencies require interdisciplinary, international and inter-institutional collaboration. Scientific collaboratories, allowing scientists both known and unknown to each other to interact and share tools, data, and other artifacts, have emerged as one new way of conducting scientific collaboration across geographic distances. In this talk, Dr. Sonnenwald will present examples of collaboratories that she and her colleagues established, and discuss the challenges and solutions that emerged in the collaboratories.

Download the powerpoint file of this talk! partI partII
Creative Commons License
The work adopts (CC)Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License